Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Cats need a specific diet plan

Two things you must know if you want your cat to live.

1. Commerical cat food can not only cause kidney disease symptoms, but can make your cat worse and eventually kill your sweet kitty.

2. Commerical cat food is nothing more than leftover parts from slaughter houses. It's not the food we eat (which is safely regulated by the FDA).

When cows are slaughtered, in a slaughter house, many parts from cows can not legally be sold to us because they are not safe for humans.

But why let all of that go to waste? There's money to be made. It can not be legally be sold to humans, it CAN legally be sold to the cat food industry!!

The legal definition for this JUNK is called "meat-by-products". One of my earlier blogs I addressed meat-by-products.

Instead of letting all this leftover junk go to waste, at the end of the day all these harmful animal parts...are thrown into a barrel and left to sit until it is ready to be shipped to cat food manufacturers.

Then it is mixed up and broken down into "processed meat" that is later put on the shelves of food stores and sold as good ole faashioned cat food.

Some of the nasty stuff could include but not limited to aborted fetuses (from cows), urine, feces, infected livers, tumors, infected kidneys, infected hearts, limbs and the list goes on.

Is it any wonder why our cats are not healthy and getting sick where they need to be taken to the vet, or contracting some disease.

Just writing this article makes me ill to think I use to feed my own cats that trash. Want your cat to live a longer healthy life?? Go to to discover what I found.

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