Thursday, May 28, 2015


Congratulations to Koda our May Cat of the Month!

Hello Everyone!! My name is Koda I am 11 months old and my birthday is June 28th and I cant wait!! I can't believe it's been almost a year since I've been in my furrever home with my mommy and daddy my furr brother Caspurr and furr sisters Pixie and Sammi!! I was so scared when I was separated from my mommy and litter mates but after just a few minutes with my new mommy I couldn't have been happier and all I wanted to do was cuddle with her all day!! Now my brother is very picky with whom he likes and from the first time that we met he treated me like he's always known me!! He was cleaning me and snuggling with me just like my litter mates did so it was as if we were meant to be. Now that I am older though I am very mischievous and I get into everything even though my mommy and daddy tell me not too. I also love my kitty tree that my mommy got my brother and me when I first joined my family. It's so realistic that I feel like I'm a jungle kitty outside!! Though my absolute favorite thing to do is play fetch!! I have so many toys that my mommy gets me and I just love for her and daddy to toss them and for me to bring them back and do it again. I do like to play the most in the middle of the night when my parents are sleeping because that's when I feel like I'm the most invincible and that they won't yell at me for getting into things that I shouldn't be. Sometimes I like to run all over them because I want them to join in on the fun too!! Mommy and daddy never play with me then though. But once I'm done with all of my daily activities I like to snuggle in bed with my mommy and cuddle right next to her on her pillow. That's my safe spot and were I love to spend my time sleeping:-) I love my life and my family and I wouldn't have it any other way!! I hope you enjoyed my little kitty story:-)

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