Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Making a Winter Shelter For Stray Cats - Stray Cat Outside My House

Parasites: Cats that spend a great deal of time outdoors have a much higher chance of getting both internal and external parasites than their indoor counterparts do. While external parasites like fleas and ticks are fairly easy to detect, internal parasites can grow undetected for weeks or even months, causing serious problems down the road.

Heavy rocks and cement blocks from an unused pond were put on the bottom of the tarp to hold it down.

The other morning, after having had three nights with BELOW zero temperatures as low as -23 below F, I saw some sort of paw prints in the snow as I was leaving home for church. Little paw prints that may or may not have belonged to a cat, a rabbit or a small dog.

There are people and organizations that specialize in helping feral cats through the trap and release program. Your veterinarian is likely in contact with local persons who can help you. You can also get more information about feral and stray cats at the Alley Cat Allies, (alleycat.org), a national online organization.

Feral cats by nature do not directly interact with man but have learned to coexist. Feral cats associate with other feral cats and sometimes they will associate with stray cats but not often. Like their ancestors, the wild cat, they tend to keep with their own and resist outsiders. They survive quite well without our help but can present a problem if your home is in their territory. The feral cat will likely be hostile to you and your pets that will cause problems with your own pet's behavior.

In some countries, it can be summer all year round. In such climate where the sun can be burning hot, you may hope for it to rain to bring the temperature down or go somewhere where air conditioning is available. Like any other person, your cat cannot agree more to that. It is necessary for you to take extra precautious of your cat's health during hot season to prevent it from suffering from dehydration. Unless you are able to understand what your cat is telling you, you have to constantly observed your pet's behavior or at the very least, give it a cooler living condition in order to prevent it from overheated.

Taped the boxes shut and cut an entrance hole in the side.

Next we covered the insulated boxes in heavy duty plastic to keep them (boxes and cats) from getting wet. Large heavy duty garbage bags could be used instead.

If that's not feasible or if he gives you grief because he "MUST" be outside, here are a few things to consider doing to make his outside stay safer for him:

If you are one cat owner who likes to take your cat in your car wherever you go, make sure that your cat is never be left in a parked car during hot summer. By leaving your cat in a parked car even for a short while may cause harm to it. Have you ever notice that the temperature in your car can increase rapidly during hot days. This can even happen when you are parking under a shade due to the reasons that the sun will not fixed at one position and that heat travel from hot regions to cold regions. Unlike dogs, cats may not be able to alert passers-by of its discomfort and they could pass out and die in as short as fifteen minutes. So, make it habit to take your cat with you after parking your car.

· A domestic feral cat will gladly eat your food but never let you get close so trapping is the method of choice.

Making nighttime off limits: Nighttime is when the most problems happen for cats because it's when most fights and car accidents take place.

About the Author

by Jamarcus Henderson
Build Your Own Cat House - Cat House Plans.

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