Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Common Behaviors Of Cats And Their Meanings

How well do you understand your cat? Even if it were only days or decades, perhaps you have observed a cat's actions. The acts of your pet are different from other animals. Some people think it perplexing when they see their pet behaving in a strange way. You may have a dilemma in raising your pet if you fail to read your cat's action. It may be difficult to find out what your cat means when it acts differently but there are methods to uncover your kitty's mystery.
You probably have become aware of your cat pushing an object (e.g., cabinet, stool, table leg) or a person. Then it strokes its head against the individual or thing. You will most probably notice this action done on individuals with allergies to cats or to those who have other animals. The cat does this because it wants to mark the person or object as its possession by putting a hint of its spit on that person or thing. This kind of cat behavior can be irritating for others. In the cat's point of view, however, the individual or object stands as someone or something odd; thus, it exhibits this action to establish it as part of its property.
For the cat, it serves it well to perform this pushing and rubbing act. In this world, however, there are some with pet peeves and those allergic to cats. They will try to get rid of the saliva because it upsets them. If they are successful, they will rid themselves with the cat's scent. The feline will, however, repeat the same process if it cannot smell the scent that it left on the guest. This will really pose as a predicament for the individual with allergies or with pet peeves. As a cat owner, you have to explicate to the inconvenienced person why it does this behavior - that it is just a welcome greeting for the cat. What you should do is to talk to the guest and request him to permit your cat to do this behavior. Once the cat does its business, it will leave your guest alone eventually.
Hunting is almost a must for cats. Do not be shocked if your cat is peeking out the window, creating strange sounds and doing bizarre movements. It just has its hunting instinct acting out. If your cat sees a cat or some movement, it will readily be on its paws. Again, do not be shocked because it is normal for cats.
There are individuals who think it baffling why cats pounce at things. Pouncing is one of a cat's favorite activities. Pouncing is part of play for them. Do not stop your cat from doing this behavior unless you want to get some troubles. You and your cat may wind up with trouble breaking a lot of stuff in the house. If you like to manage how your cat plays, buy a toy that it can pounce on. A yarn or a string may even be adequate enough for it to play with. Your cat will surely enjoy your company as it runs after the yarn or string.
If you have detailed understanding of how your cat behaves, you will have lesser problems because you will be dealing with it the correct way. Go beyond feeding and providing litter to your cat. Know your cat a little more by knowing its behavior.

About the Author

Kitty Bee is the owner of two lovable cats.
For aggressive cat [] and other cat behavior [] problems, check out Secrets of cats review [].

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