Friday, July 24, 2015

Cat Training: Scratching by Romolo Lerza

Cats have a strange way of saying that they like you, they leave marks in a lot of places of your home. You will frequently know if the house you're in has a cat for a pet yet without seeing the cat. You will be able to see scratch marks in practically each corners of the house. Scratching is very normal behavior for cats and there are lots of factors as to why they do this. A few cats scratch furniture or flooring in order to discharge pent up energy inside of them, they scratch so they become fatigued instead of restless. An additional reason they scratch is because they want to get rid of some parts of their claws or they want to sharpen their claws. Cats also mark their territory by means of scratching surfaces or leaving their scent on it. Cats additionally scratch surfaces for the reason that they want to flex their bodies and move their muscles.Most owners take time to train their animal to change this type of destructive behavior. Kitties can be disciplined to follow instructions so they can also be disciplined to change their behavior towards objects and people. When cat training scratching should be one of the areas you should focus on. Because this is a natural trait for them, you can't actually prevent them from scratching but you can change where they do it. You can provide your cat with things that it can scratch freely. You have to observe what kinds of objects the cat likes scratching, look at where it is situated and aim to figure out what its texture is. You will have to make the cats preferred scratching object appear unappealing by covering it or by spraying it with an odor that cats do not like. Look for a scratching post that will match the consistency of the thing your cat likes scratching and place it close to the area where this favorite object is found. Make sure that the new scratching post has the precise same texture as the preferred object and remember to make it steady. When the cat utilizes the scratching post give it goodies and pet it lovingly. If that cat really comes to like the scratching post, you can gradually move it to a better location. These movements should not be big jumps, keep in mind that you need to take it slow with cats. The much loved scratching object of the cat has to remain unappealing until you are certain that the cat will not go back to using it and has really taken to the scratching post.
You will typically progress with altering this behavior gradually but surely. Just stick to it and you will see results in no time.

About the Author

As a pet lover and someone who devoted his life to animals I consider myself an expert trainer and the one person you can go to when needing advise with regards to your cats. []

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